目前分類:奇毛子 (17)

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It is the time to pack up the tea service due to the lunar January 15 was passed.


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After listening the speech from the website, http://voicetube.tw/videos/9426?ref=new, I am thinking why I do not have the self-confidence.


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New year's coming, so I should have something new to renew my life. 


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I have thought to write some things before today, but I was quite busy for the work.  After work, I did not have energy to write some things.  Beside work, I had got sick during these days.

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Recently I eat as much as I can and aware this status.

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I would rather go to see my dearest Cleo than go to the company annual party, even losing 3 thousand bonus.  Compare with Cleo, I do not care about the bonus.

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Unbelivable news from Joy!! 

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According to the scooter accident, I have stayed at home about three months.

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Beside the achievement, I do not know why I still stay at this such company.

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I should give myself birthday wishes and hope they become true soon.

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What a hell fine!!

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Much better now, but I just took the last medicine.  I am not sure if I am good tomorrow. 

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Still feel sore throat and belly painful.

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A hell headache!!

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Damn sick!!

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I gain much weight almost a year.  How horrible it is!!

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Why I become lazy and lazy lazier and lazier?

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